2,323 visitors came to the dental clinic through search engines.
Conversion from the site improved by 112%.
Increase in visitors from Google by 110%.
Organic traffic increased by 917%.
Website optimization start date: February 13, 2019.
In progress: 1577 requests.
It was necessary to improve the rankings through local SEO. Targeted queries included the area’s names, metro stations, and the potential client’s exact location. The site should have climbed to higher positions.
The secondary goal is to identify those offered of the best quality from higher-frequency than other clinics.
What was done
The site had problems with the layout on mobile devices. First of all, we improved its display and tested it on all devices.
We optimized video reviews, pulled the display of ratings about the clinic from external sources.
Corrected the template based on the click map, made the header and footer clear.
Added new sections: “Question-Answer,” “Before and After.”
Indicated prices for all services, it is a commercial factor.
Implemented microdata for reviews, dental companies, and navigation.
Moved all sorts of styles and scripts to separate files.
Introduced Open Graph markup and Share buttons.
Created the semantic core, analyzed the current relevance, and created new attractive meta tags based on the request groups’ frequency.
Improved business cards in Google Maps.
But together with the positions, the site underwent an influx of untargeted conversions. This led to a high bounce rate and, consequently, sinking due to the downgrade of behavioral factors.
We have isolated target queries from the core and focused on them, adjusted PPC ads. We have written interesting articles for high-frequency and informational questions. Traffic and bounces have returned to normal.
Executed an interim usability audit, made edits to it, and added exciting ideas to it after we have additionally analyzed the competitors.
Based on the link profile of the sites at the TOP of Google, we placed links to the clinic on the “useful” sites, and the traffic from this search engine started to grow.
At the moment, work continues to improve the site; it’s content. To optimize for Google, the link profile is improved mainly through the placement of crowd links. All written content is proofread and edited by a qualified dentist. We are working with the client to improve the site’s trust indicators and the clinic as a whole. Re-linking with new pages and constant adjustments to snippets.
Special attention is paid to mobile search results and download speed.
Results at the time of Writing
After the introduction of the initial edits, a month later, there was a visible increase in traffic and positions:
79% of core queries reached TOP 10. Of these, 45% – TOP 3.